

Message from the CEO: July

For any business to survive and thrive, it must do everything within its power to gain and maintain its clients trust. This may seem obvious, and perhaps it is, but the fact of the matter is that many companies do not demonstrate any good reason why consumers should grant their trust to these organizations. Trust must be earned, and it must be demonstrable.

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Business continuity essential during summer storm season

It’s been eight months since Hurricane Sandy. What have we learned about the health of businesses affected by the storm? More than half of the small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut suffered losses in revenue. Likely, the businesses of Oklahoma will face the same fate due to the recent tornadoes.

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Message from the CEO: June

NetGain Technologies has big news this month as we continue to grow and expand across the region. I’m proud to announce that we have acquired NCDTech in St. Louis and we are delighted to begin bringing our best-in-class I.T. services and solutions to a new city.
NCDTech was founded in 1996 by John Forti and has been growing rapidly ever since. By joining NetGain Technologies, NCDTech clients will experience enhanced capabilities to support their I.T. operations as well as increased relationships with strategic partners like HP, EMC, VMware and Cisco.

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